RYLA is a leadership experience, but beyond service and leadership, RYLA encourages and develops growth among campers so that they can become greater people to better lead themselves and those around them in their communities. The 64 campers were immediately immersed into this special week which began full force with speakers, activities, team building exercises, learning opportunities, and plain old fun!
One very special aspect of RYLA is our service involvement with the Sri Lankan Grace Girl's Home. The campers are asked to help raise money for Grace Girls Home, a nonprofit organization that offers opportunities to youth girls through a safe and nurturing environment that nourishes the mindset that everyone is capable of reaching their dreams and living to their full potential. This year we were graciously able to donate $8,365 to the Grace Girls Home. Our donations will be able to help them with much needed renovations to their transportation services.
One key principle that RYLA strongly encourages growth and expansion on is a much richer perspective of life. All speakers are unique and offer their own special contribution towards the campers whether it be through life experiences, a listening ear, unwavering love, constant support, or determined motivation, they all are able to help each and every camper grow. Many speakers have had such a large impact on camper’s lives, that they are still in touch and have built lasting relationships. The way that each and every speaker is able to offer a new perspective to the campers is a true gift from RYLA. When campers leave this camp, they have gained so much, not only from the activities, fun times, and interactive exercises, but each camper has knowledge and wisdom from others to help support and propel them towards their goals.
The goal of RYLA is not to only gain and use these multitude of skills, but to understand them enough to be able to replicate and implement them into our daily lives. RYLA is able to grow and expand upon the foundation of leadership that the campers possessed. This is done through various opportunities of teamwork, vulnerability, self-expression, support for others around them, and breaking out of one’s shell. Throughout the week there are many activities, speakers, and exercises to specifically target each of these which directly help promote a successful leader. This week takes courage, patience, trust, compassion, and honesty with oneself to truly get everything out of what RYLA has to offer.
RYLA campers are encouraged to just be their unique selves. This space is designed for growth and the best way to nourish that is through fun and creativity. Campers, counselors, and staff commonly refer to this as their favorite week of the entire year. The value that RYLA holds for so many involved with the camp whether it be campers, speakers, counselors, staff, and other people involved, is immeasurable. This is a place where they can be vulnerable with others and embrace their true self. This environment is one in which campers are able to express themselves, be there for others, share what is on their heart, all while making new friends, trying new things, and cannonballing into everything that life has to offer.
Lastly, RYLA is not possible without the constant support and generosity from many Rotarians and rotary clubs in Rotary District 6840. RYLA in this district has been able to impact lives in our local community for the last 30 years. This camp is a reality that is able to touch so many lives as a direct result of the time and donations that have been generously gifted. Thank you to all that donated meals, donated funds, sponsored campers, and offered your time this year; we have greatly appreciated all that you have done for RYLA. It is hard to articulate the deep level of gratitude that the campers, counselors, and all staff involved share for all of those that help keep RYLA going year after year. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the support that this district has offered towards RYLA, and we cannot wait for the next RYLA in 2025!