Greetings from the Gabby Governor
Did You Know?
That when a canoe turns upside down you can wear it on your head?  That’s because it is now cap-sized!
I cannot express in words how grateful and excited I am to be going on this journey with you.  Let’s grow Rotary, accomplish meaningful work programs, and have FUN along the way.
August is Membership and New Club Development Month.  Does your club have a plan to attract new members?  What about a plan to retain current members?  In early January I went to International Assembly in Orlando.  This event is where Rotary brings all the Governor-Elects from around the world together for their final training.  What a wonderful experience!  (I could write pages on this experience alone.)
While in a discussion on membership, at IA, I heard of a great plan one of the districts was doing to achieve both new members and keep current members. They have instigated a two-man membership team.  One person is called the Welcomer.  This person’s job is to make sure all new members feel welcome.  After two weeks of joining, the Welcomer sends a card to the new member welcoming them to the club.  On the three-month anniversary of the new member joining, the club sends the new member a Rotary Club filled with flowers, again expressing how happy the club is to have this new member.  A card is sent on both the sixth and ninth-month anniversaries.  Finally, a gift valued at $25 is sent on the one-year anniversary.  About $100 total is spent on gifts to the new member in their first year of joining.  Well worth the investment to retain a new member.
The second membership team member is called the Retainer.  This person’s job is to make sure all current members feel valued.  If a member misses a meeting the Retainer sends the member a simple text saying “We missed seeing you at our meeting today. Hope to see you next week.”  If the member misses a second meeting another text is sent. “I see that you missed Rotary again this week.  Are you okay?  Is there something we can help you with?”  And, the Retainer takes action depending on the response.  If the person misses a third meeting, the Retainer makes a personal call to the member or goes by their business to check-in. 
This system has resulted in retaining all new and current members since the program was implemented over five years ago.  If you feel this membership program might not work for your club then work on one that will and begin implementing.  What’s that old definition of insanity – We keep doing the same thing year after year and expect different results.  If you are having difficulty getting new members or retaining the ones you have then it might be time to start on a new plan.   
NOTE:  We will also have a team from Zone 31 to help us work on membership at our district meeting on August 26th.  Resource:  Tom Quinn, 6840 Deputy Governor of Membership.
Vicky Gutierrez
It’s a Great Day to be a Rotarian! 
Remember to have FUN.
Rotary FUN for every ONE
Recently the Gulfport-Orange Grove Rotary Club had a "Thank God it's Monday" social event at TGIFridays.  Have you had a fun mixer or social to engage new or potential members?  It's MEMBERSHIP MONTH, y'all!
August is Membership & Extensions Month | Rotary District 5730 
Women in Rotary
Do you know the history of Women in Rotary?  Check out the story here: Women in Rotary | Rotary International
And while you are thinking about it, check out this amazing picture of DG Vicky with many of the past presidents of the Westwego Club! 
Mayor Robert Billiot of Westwego presents Governor Vicky with an honorary citizen of Westwego proclamation.
Very Special Pageant Queens
Recently, the Hammond-Ponchatoula Sunriser Rotary Club welcomed special guests. Robin Abrams the founder and coordinator of the Very Special Miss Louisiana Pageant was the guest speaker. Joining Robin were several Very Special Pageant Queens from Ponchatoula, Kentwood, and Independence. This wonderful pageant is a fundraiser for TARC. It was a truly inspiring presentation about good people doing great things in our community.
Everyone loves a parade!
Are you looking for an awesome way to support our community?  Well, look no further than the Hammond Rotary Christmas parade! Mark your calendars for Hammond Rotary Club's annual Christmas Parade on Friday, December 15th. They're working on wrapping up all the details for another FUN parade. If you have questions, please email or visit the website: Rotary of Hammond, LA | Leadership and Community Service (
District-Sponsored Events
Tylertown DG Club Visit
Aug 03, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Carrollton DG Club Visit
Aug 07, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Westbank (Gretna) DG Club Visit
Aug 08, 2023
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
Ocean Springs DG Club Visit
Aug 09, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Central Hancock DG Club Visit
Aug 10, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Lucedale DG Club Visit
Aug 14, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
LaPlace DG Club Visit
Aug 15, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Long Beach DG Club Visit
Aug 15, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
View entire list
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