District-Sponsored Events
PETS In-Service Workshop
Natchez Convention Center
Mar 17, 2023 8:00 AM -
Mar 18, 2023 3:30 PM
Kentwood Anniversary (1936)
Mar 19, 2023
Ponchatoula Anniversary (1936)
Mar 19, 2023
Covington Anniversary (1927)
Mar 20, 2023
McComb Anniversary (1932)
Mar 22, 2023
Slidell North Shore Anniversary (1984)
Mar 27, 2023
District Grant Final Reports Due
Mar 31, 2023
Petal Anniversary (1972)
Mar 31, 2023
View entire list
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Regina at a Club Meeting, sharing information about the District Conference
Here we Geaux!
March Newsletter
Greetings my friends!
Spring is always a busy time for all of us, both with our Rotary clubs and families. However, I ask you to take a few minutes to remember two long-time Rotarians who recently died, Karen Livengood and Ted Molesworth. Both Karen and Ted were very active with their RC of Long Beach and will be missed by all who knew them. They will be remembered along with other Rotarians who have died during this year at the Memorial Service scheduled for Saturday morning, April 22, 2023, at the District Conference. All are welcome to attend and pay your respects.
Great things are happening in our District in the coming weeks. PDG Karen Babin has been busy with scheduling two major events: Friendship Exchange with a group of Rotarians from France (April 1 -6, 2023) followed by an assembly of past alumni of Friends Forever (April 4-16, 2023) This year, we are thrilled to welcome seven exceptional alumni of Friends Forever from Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, Uganda, and Northern Ireland. These remarkable leaders were carefully selected for their dedication to community action, professional networking, and using their leadership skills to create lasting positive impacts. FFI is honored to have them as our ambassadors. Our District is honored we have been chosen to host. Please contact Karen at (, 518-588-9096 for more information and to learn how you may get involved!)
Of course, Club Presidents Elect will meet with their counterparts from 4 other Districts at OMR PETS March 17-18, 2023, in Natchez, Mississippi. Good luck to each of you and thank you for stepping up to serve your Club in this vital role.
Now that Mardi Gras is over, Spring festivals are competing for your participation. These festivals and Spring holidays serve as fundraisers for many Clubs, and I encourage you to check the District Calendar for a list of upcoming events.
Clubs are hosting events throughout the District:
March 10, 2023, at Ruby Slipper Café in New Orleans: Join the RC of Mid-City to raise funds and pack supplies to support New Orleans Family Justice Center.
The RC of Ponchatoula will be busy at the Strawberry Festival, April 13-15, 2023. The RC of Hammond hosts its Shamrock Run on March 25, 2023, at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival grounds in Hammond. The Dairy Fest in Tylertown may not be until June 3, 2023, but I know you want to be there to cheer on the International Turtle Races sponsored by the RC of Tylertown!
The RC of Moss Point recently planted more than 50 trees in their community. More than 90 community volunteers helped. New friends and potential new Rotarians working together.
While the rest of the area attended parades, Rotary Club of Slidell members Kenny Breaux and Mark Ricard donated a total of 64 hours with the Epworth Project, leading two teams of volunteers from Massachusetts over Mardi Gras week. 
The Rotary Club of Gulfport—Orange Grove and the Harrison County School District are the winner of the Mississippi Association of Partners in Education Multi-Level School Governor Award!
Trang Pham Bui, Public Information Officer for the Harrison County School District and an Honorary Member of our club submitted our application earlier this year with the assistance of member Steve Howard.
The award acknowledges the significant partnership that we as a nonprofit organization and the school district have together that significantly moves the parameters of education for children in the elementary schools and high schools in Harrison County in an upward direction.  Through our Little Free Libraries, Buddy Backpack Program, Dictionaries for Third Graders Project, Comfort Closets, Interact Clubs, Scholarship Program, RYLA, and Christmas for Kids Program.
What is your club planning for the final months of this year? Please post your event on the District Calendar with contact information for those who may want to volunteer.
Upcoming Deadlines:
March 31, 2023: Remember to close out your District Grants by March 31, 2023. Help is available on the District Website to answer your questions. District and Global Grants | District 6840 (
District Conference Update:
Please remember to register for your choice of social events scheduled on the morning of the first day of our District Conference, Friday, April 21, 2023. You can play golf, watch a cooking demonstration (and eat!!), take a tour of Camp Shelby or explore the shops at the Lucky Rabbit.
The Conference begins at 2 pm although the House of Friendship and registration will open earlier in the day. This is your chance to meet with PDG Maureen Fritz-Roberts who will bring greetings and exciting information from RI President Jennifer Jones. Also joining us will be Darwin Sampedro, our RI representative who will be on hand to help you sign up for your own Rotary Club Central account and troubleshoot your questions with your current account. Please bring your login credentials!
The first day of the Conference ends with more fun. Bring your best dishes to share with others at Food Fest, Friday night, April 21, 2023. The Hattiesburg area clubs look forward to experiencing the fun and excitement!
District Conference, April 21-22, 2023, in Hattiesburg will include a Golf Tournament on Friday morning, Optional Family events (cooking demonstration at USM or a tour of Camp Shelby) on Friday morning. The opening sessions start on Friday afternoon followed by Food Fest on USM’s campus later that evening. Saturday will begin with a memorial service to celebrate the lives of those Rotarians who died during the past year. Sessions will include membership, public image, club administration, fundraising, grants, and the Rotary Foundation. We will close the day with the Governor’s banquet to celebrate your achievements within your clubs and the District.
Check for updates and REGISTER here: MyEventRunner - Event Public Fill (
June 30, 2023: Don’t forget to update your goals in Rotary Club Central to help qualify for the President Citation. Categories include Members and Engagement, The Rotary Foundation, Service, Young Leaders, and Public Image. Every club addresses each category in some way during the year, so why not thank your members by taking action to achieve the Rotary International President Citation? Let’s get every club involved. Ask your Assistant Governor for help (or contact me).  My Rotary (click here to log into Club Central)  rotary-club-central-reference-guide.pdf ( (more information)
RYLA Updates:
Link for RYLA dates and applications
Application Deadline: The application can be accessed from the application tab above. Applications are due to the Rotary Club by April 30, 2023.
Interviews: Rotary Clubs will contact students within two weeks and schedule interviews.
Selection Made: Rotary Club representatives will contact students about their scholarship selection and inform the RYLA committee by May 17, 2023.
Confirmation Mailed: Confirmation packets will be mailed to those students selected to participate in RYLA by June 15, 2023.
This is the final month for What’s My Club. The deadline to participate is March 31, 2023. The winner will be announced at the District Conference.
What’s My Club???? Here are the clues for February:
  • Name two clubs that support Backpack Buddies
  • Name two clubs that support Lunches for Learning
  • Name the club that has its meetings in a brewery and hosts an annual Spoker Poker: Bicycle Poker Run
January clues:
  • Name the Assistant Governor and the clubs in that person’s territory for the Lake, Orleans, and Pontchartrain Territories.
December clues:
  • Name the home club of the Assistant Governor of the following Territories:
  • Bayou, Bay Pass, East Coast, Beach, and Heartland.
Make your guesses HERE:
Have you been playing? I hope the links are now working but let me know if you have any questions.
November Clues:
  • 1. Name the Assistant Governor for the Tangipahoa Territory and the five clubs in that territory.
  • 2. Name the Assistant Governor for the Hub Territory and the five clubs in that territory.
Previous clues:
  • Name two clubs that received their charter on the same date.
  • Name the newest Rotary Club in our district. (Not Rotaract Clubs)
  • Name the most recent Past District Governor and his home club (2021-22)
  • Name the club that hosts the Alligator Festival.
  • Name the primary host club for the 2022-23 District Conference
  • Name the first 4 clubs chartered in our District with the dates of each charter
  • Name the home club of the current District Governor
  • Name the primary host club for the 2022-23 District Conference
Please submit your guesses here: Newsletter Scavenger Hunt Guess! - Google Forms
WINNER: Three Day, Two Night Las Vegas, or Lake Tahoe accommodations.  Taxes and Fees have been paid, but the winner is responsible for the travel.  You have two years to book your travel and can choose from several different resorts, including the Luxor in Las Vegas, or Lake Tahoe South in Lake Tahoe.
Every month is Membership Month for Rotary! March is Membership Month for Rotary International. Thanks for taking care of your members and encouraging others to join us. Having the plan to retain and attract members is crucial to the health of your club. Invite friends, co-workers, speakers, and community leaders to come to a meeting, social event, fundraiser or service project. They are our potential future Rotarians. Congratulations to the RC of Slidell which recently installed 4 new members! Let me know of your Club’s success.
The Rotary Foundation asks us to FINISH THE YEAR STRONG! If you or your Club plan to make donations for its members this Rotary year, please consider doing so this month.  Thank you to the many Rotarians who already donate to the Rotary Foundation, and I invite those who are considering donations to do so. A club qualifies for Rotary recognition for donations starting at $100.00 per year per member. My goal is for every Rotarian in District 6840 to contribute to The Rotary Foundation this year. Ask PDG Greg Lier to speak about TRF at an upcoming meeting if you want more information.