D6840 Disaster Response

When disaster strikes, Rotarians and their clubs invariably want to get involved and help with either financial support or direct service. The District in its role to support club activities has developed the following policies and procedures to help clubs succeed in their disaster response efforts. The District’s actions will vary depending on two variables:
1) the interest of the clubs in making financial contributions and/or providing direct services to those in need
2) the location of the disaster whether it be local, national, or international.
The District Governor in consultation with the Chair of the District 6840 Foundation will determine when to initiate these policies and procedures.
Financial Support
Local Disasters
The Rotary District 6840 Foundation can receive tax deductible donations and disburse funds raised. [Use link on this page to make a donation; use the tab above to learn more about the Foundation]
The Rotary District 6840 Foundation Board has a process whereby clubs submit proposals for grants from the Foundation to assist in relief activities. [link to the application and reporting procedure on this page]
The Board has created a process to review the proposals quickly so that funds can be disbursed in a timely fashion. Funds are distributed on a first come, first served basis.
National Disasters
For disasters outside our region but within the United States or Canada, the Foundation will receive donations from individuals and clubs in the same fashion as local disasters. The Chair of the District 6840 Foundation will work closely with the District Governor and the Rotary Foundation to contact the districts involved to donate funds collected.
International Disasters
For those disasters outside the United States and Canada, the Foundation will again accept contributions identified to assist in recovery.
In the aftermath of local disasters local Rotarians often want to provide direct services to those in need. In addition, Rotarians from outside the District may also want to provide “boots on the ground” and lend their support. Rotary International encourages districts to assist and provide service to all areas of disaster and strongly supports sustainable projects to aid in recovery after those areas are returned to stability and moving toward recovery.
In these cases the Assistant Governors of those areas affected will contact the local clubs to find out what manpower is needed. The local clubs will inform the Assistant Governors about specific projects as well as manpower needs of other local organizations also working in disaster relief. The Assistant Governors will be responsible for fielding inquiries as to how local Rotarians and clubs can help. If the disaster is such that the local clubs are not responding or they do not have the ability to do service projects, the Assistant Governors will contact recognized local and national relief organizations for similar opportunities for service.
The Assistant Governors will send notice of such opportunities to the District Governor, Deputy Governor for Public Relations, the District newsletter Editor, the Social Media Chair, and the District Webmaster for their appropriate distribution.
Rotary Clubs that activate their own reponses or service teams are encouraged to contact their Assistant Governor to alert the District Rotarians of the opportunity to engage directly.
When a national disaster strikes, the District Governor will contact Rotary International to learn of organizations that can use Rotarians for relief work. The District Governor will contact his/her counterparts in the districts affected to determine what their manpower needs are for relief work. The contacts for inquiries from the District is the District Governor.
For international disasters, the District Governor will contact Rotary International to seek information on service opportunities available.
Amended August 23, 2020
District Governor Elizabeth Van Sant