Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is an excellent opportunity for Rotarians to quickly and easily learn the details of what is implied in the “Object of Rotary” and truly becoming a Rotarian and not simply a dues-paying member of a Rotary Club.

Club Officers will enhance their Rotary knowledge and understanding, thus enhancing both their own club experience as well as that of their fellow club members.

Club Presidents will be able to expand on the skills learned at President Elect Training Seminars.

Long time 'experienced' Rotarians will experience a re-kindling of the old Rotary flame as they share their experiences with the other RLI participants.

RLI unlocks the mysteries of Rotary International for everyone who participates and engages with the curriculum and discussions


PARTS ONE AND TWO IN PERSON January 28 8:15-6:00pm (breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch provided on-site)

PART THREE IN PERSON January 29 8:30am-12:15pm (breakfast and coffee break provided on-site)

PART THREE VIA ZOOM January 30 AND Feb 1 5:30-7:00pm